Avaks Driver

Published under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSEVersion 2

The antivirus solution from developer AVAST Software comes in many flavors and most users opt for the free edition for obvious reasons. This does not make it any less reliable, however. Wim avaks This software is designed for operating fixed and mobile systems that weigh vehicles and register their dimensions to sort out vehicles that exceed the weight and dimension limits in Russia.

Avaks driver licence

Check out a full screen view

Sample MPEG file (9,363,987bytes!!!)

Avast Driver Updater is a PC performance tool that scans your hardware for broken and outdated drivers, and then updates them to reduce and prevent problems with your PC. Refer to the sections in this article to learn how to use Avast Driver Updater. Avast Driver Updater is one of the best Windows driver updater software. We can scan for and download 5 million different drivers, that will let you update graphics drivers, update audio drivers, and more. Avast is also one of the world’s biggest and most trusted cybersecurity brands, which means we ensure our software meets only the highest standards in both security and performance. As you're cruising down romance lane, with the steady clip-clop of horse hooves and the sweet things your sweetheart is whispering in your ear, you're likely see the back of the head of Kathy Vincent. She's the driver and more importantly, the owner and founder of Ava K's Carriage Service.


Gspy retrieves images from a video4linux device and processes theseinto a daily mpeg movie on the disk drive. Each image is recorded witha time stamp to insure accurate real world correlation. Special motiondetection algorithms are used to reduce the size of the daily movies byeliminating pictures with similar content as well as the normal compressionobtained via the mpeg process. The result is a time lapse video per daywith nonlinear time compression using only the images of interest. Thisprogram will only run on Linux machines which support a video4linux-devicein 640x480 capture size. This software has been tested with the 2.4.0-test1kernel, 2.4.0-test4 and the 2.2.16 kernel with the usb backport patch.You should have the Berkeley MPEG Tools installed if you wish to generatethe MPEG files. Gspy can be used without the MPEG tools, as it will filla directory with jpg images that can be processed or viewed at a latertime. Versions from 0.1.6 include a user defined command that is executedon each alarm. This command string can include a token(s) '%f%' that will get replaced with the alarm picture filename. Typical uses would be to copythe alarm picture to a remote site using ftp or scp, email the picture to someone, play a sound annoucement... 'Step away from the keyboard!', turn onlights using a parallel port or X10 interface, or ???. Have FUN

Known Supported Devices:

Avaks Driver Licence

  • Creative Labs Video Blaster WebCam 3 USB, Model CT6840
  • BT848 Grabber ( WinTV PCI Radio )
  • Hauppage PCI board - BT848
  • Philips USB WebCam - PCVC680K Vesta Pro one
    Working with gspy 0.1.5 and Redhat 7.2 with kernel (2.4.9-13). Use pwc and pwcx modules.
  • Phillips PWC690
    Thanks to Hervé BOTERMAN, the PWC690 is now supported in version 0.1.5 Use 'modprobe pwc size=vga fps=5' and 'insmod -f pwcx-i386' to connect the webcam to the usb port and set it by default to 640x480 and 5 frame per second. The pwcx module must be loaded to enable image compression of the webcam.
  • Matrox marvel g200 card and an Hitachi Hi8
    Cherubini reports: I would like to let you know that gspy works for me, using linux debianwoody, kernel 2.4.6 with matrox marvel g200 card and an hitachi Hi8videocamera...
  • D-Link DSB-C300
    Daniel reports that all that was needed was to build the kernel with v4l, ov511 and usb-uhci modules, then modprobe usb-uhci, modprobe ov511
    Phil reports: Thanks for gspy. I just opened my DSB-C300 camera and tried to install it on my win2k machine. Crash crash the darn thing wont even boot with the camera installed. Well back to linux. RH 7.1 Sony PCG F430
    all I had to do was:
    mv /dev/video /dev/videodir
    ln -s /dev/video0 /dev/video
    /sbin/modprobe usb-uhci
    /sbin/modprobe ov511
    and it all worked....
    cool thanks
  • AVerMedia InterCam-Elite (OV511-based)
    Huib reports:
    I tried your program and it works great.Gspy will be used to catch a bike thief(-ves) who stole 6 bikes fromseveral roommates.Anyway, it's a great program and it works without any extra afford on aredhat 7.1 system with a (OV511-based) 'AVerMedia InterCam-Elite':The v4l driver is loaded automatic when the USB camera is plugged in theport. The webcam supports 640x480 so the program works withoutmodifications.
  • avaks AvCam USB-600 (OV511-based)
    Alain reports:
    Thanks for your very nice program and installation instructions!I'm using Redhat 7.1 (2.4.2-2). If you'd like to check out mycamera's specs.The only thing I had to do was link /dev/video->video0.
  • Maxell Maxcam USb(OV511)
  • Dexxa Webcam (USB 352*288)
    see changes under 'User Feedback' below for a patch.
  • Logitech QuickCam (352x288).
    Blaine reports being able to compile the code and obtain a working systemwith the logitech camera.
  • Creative Webcam5 on Debian with with gnome2.
  • Kensignton 'svga webcam' using the se401 module on a linux 2.4.19 kernel.
    alejandro reports gspsy 0.1.6 works brilliantly with his kensignton camera.
  • Intel CS330 Create and Share Camera
    Ben reports the Intel driver http://spca50x.sourceforge.net is still under development and there are some issues with the brightness of the picture, but it still works.
  • Philips ToUcam Pro (PCVC740K) with Red Hat 8.0/kernel 2.4.18-14
    (compiled using instructions for the Red Hat 8.0 fixes)
  • Please drop me a line if you have success with your camera.


To Build This Project:

gspy-0.1.2-src.tar.gz(145920 bytes) or
gspy-0.1.3-src.tar.gz(192891 bytes) or
gspy-0.1.4-src.tar.gz(534302 bytes) or
gspy-0.1.5-src.tar.gz(200008 bytes) or
gspy-0.1.6-src.tar.gz(205802 bytes) or
gspy-0.1.7-src.tar.gz(222107 bytes) or
gspy-0.1.8-src.tar.gz(208662 bytes).

To build the application from the glade project in the gspy directory,enter:

make install

To run the application, enter gspy at the shell prompt. Gspyshould open the video device and then popup the runtime display windowsimilar to that shown above. If the open fails on the video device, gspywill exit with an error message. You may need to check and see that theusb stack is loaded if you are using a usb web camera device. To get yourusb camera running, you may find the Linux USB guide useful (see referencesection below). Gspy is quite cpu intensive due the the image processingload. I run it on a 500mhz PIII and it puts a 25% load blip on every 2seconds. It should run on most pentium class computers. Gspy creates subdirectoriesunder a user specified location for each date it runs. All jpegs capturedfor the day are placed in the subdirectory. Use the menu option file/Makempegto select one of the daily directories and start the mpeg generation process(done in the background at a nice priority). You must have the Berkeleympeg tools installed (mpeg_encode binary) for this command to work.


  • help generating the internationalization translations would be appreciated.
  • add support for multiple USB cameras, maybe 4 as a first pass
  • automate the mpeg file generation once per day (currently a manual process)
  • improve compensation for camera AGC jumps... causes a lot of false alarmsunder certain lighting conditions
  • implement video for linux 2 device interface
  • reverse engineer compression modes and update ov511 driver to get fasterframerates
  • support for smaller video image sizes
  • support alternate video fomats such as avi, motion jpeg or divx for the 'action movie'
  • write the user documentation

Not Working?:

  1. USB device questions:linux-usb-users@lists.sourceforge.net

User Feedback:


  1. Homepage -- gspy.sourceforge.net
  2. CVS server -- cvs.gspy.sourceforge.net

Who We Are and Where to Find Us

Avaks Driver Ed

The Face
The Vital Statistics
Lawrence P. Glaister P.Eng. VE7IT
1462 Madrona Drive
Nanoose Bay B.C.
Canada V9P 9C9

Transport Planning & Public Space Concept Design

Traffic Management

Traffic Enforcement

WIM & Tolling

Intelligent Video Analytics

City Tolling Cordon System

STRELKA PLUS is fully automated non-intrusive multifunctional enforcement system designed to detect the major traffic regulation violations in any weather and lighting conditions

Strelka M is used to detect a wide range of road traffic violations related to both upstream and downstream vehicles in a dense flow within the whole control zone

Strelka 360S is an innovative road traffic enforcement solution. The system performs functions that used to be feasible only be several stand-alone systems

Strelka 360M is an innovative mobile road traffic enforcement solution. The system completely excludes involvement of a patrol car driver as all the control functions are exercised in the control center.

ASUDD Navigator is a universal platform that allows configuring a comprehensive solution on automated traffic control (city, viaduct, highway) depending on requirements

Parking Navigator software is a geoinformation system. Parking Navigator software with graphic interface and multi-user shared environment is used as central server software

Avaks Driver License Test

This software is designed for operating fixed and mobile systems that weigh vehicles and register their dimensions to sort out vehicles that exceed the weight and dimension limits in Russia.

Avaks Driver Jobs

Stabilizer software integrate various traffic enforcement systems with the central software for the Traffic control center and other customized software systems (Third-party systems)